
Youth recovery is not only important but crucial in ensuring the overall well-being and longevity of young athletes. In today's increasingly competitive sports landscape, it is common for these athletes to specialize in one sport at an early age, as they aim to excel and gain an edge over their peers. However, this single-minded approach often comes at a cost, as they neglect the necessary downtime and rest that their bodies desperately need.

The demanding nature of club sports further exacerbates this issue, with young athletes typically participating in rigorous training sessions and competitions up to six days a week. The relentless physical exertion places immense strain on their muscles, joints, and ligaments, increasing the risk of injury and hampering their performance in the long run.
Here at KW Recovery Lab, we fully understand the challenges young athletes face when it comes to recovery. Our team of qualified experts is dedicated to providing the guidance and support needed to navigate this crucial aspect of their training and development. Whether it's understanding proper nutrition, implementing effective rest techniques, or exploring various recovery methods, we're here to assist and answer any questions you may have.

To learn more about how we can help you or for any inquiries related to recovery, don't hesitate to reach out to our office. Our knowledgeable staff is available to address your concerns via phone or email. Together, let's prioritize recovery and ensure the optimal growth and well-being of our young athletes.


“Recovery is essential. It is the tool that allows coaches to get the most out of their athletes. Without recovery, performance will be compromised.”

Attention, coaches! Are you and your team ready to elevate your performance to the next level? Look no further than our exclusive Team Recovery sessions here at KW Recovery Lab. Our highly sought-after 2-hour time slots provide an unparalleled opportunity for your team to immerse themselves in a comprehensive recovery experience.

During these sessions, your athletes will not only have ample time to recharge and rejuvenate, but they will also gain invaluable knowledge through educational sessions tailored specifically to their needs. Our experienced team of recovery experts will be on hand to guide and support both athletes and coaches throughout the entire process. Whether it's teaching advanced recovery techniques or answering any burning questions, we've got you covered.

But it doesn't stop there! These Team Recovery sessions go beyond the physical aspect, fostering team bonding like never before. As your athletes engage in this shared recovery experience, they will build camaraderie and forge stronger connections with one another. This unique combination of recovery and team building is a winning formula for maximizing your team's potential.

So, why wait? Take advantage of this extraordinary opportunity to invest in your team's well-being and performance. Book a Team Recovery session at KW Recovery Lab today and witness the countless benefits unfold right before your eyes. Your team deserves the best, and we are here to deliver.

Plan your team recovery session here

KWRL Testimonies


“Recovery at KW has been helping me tremendously in my busy training schedule & improving my performance in the ring.”

- Sandra Tovar, 5x National Champion


“Becoming a KW member has played a critical role in getting me back on track mentally and physically. They’ve provided a safe environment for my body to heal and have allowed me to develop some life time friendships along the way.”

-Kendall Herod, 2x NCAA All-American

“Life should be experienced, not watched. KW has brought me back to a point I am willing to try anything physical. They taught me how to listen to my body and recover as hard as I LIVE

Neil Cervenka | Premier lifestyle Member


My favorite part is being there and seeing all the different types of people and age groups”

- Kyle Cordova


“Throughout my time coming over, I have learned so much as far as mobility work, injury prevention movements, stretches, and more. I can definitely see and feel the difference in the recovery portion of my training. I’ve never came to a meet feeling mininal pain or injuries until just recently with the help of Susy and Anikka. Thank you guys for keeping me in tip top shape and giving me the knowledge to know my body a little bit more.”

- Andy Perez, Power Lifter


“Recovery is my bestfriend and KW feels like a second home. Sometimes it hurts, but when it’s done my body feels amazing and oh so refreshed! Kw keeps me winning.”

- Wade Jones, Pro Boxer 9-1


Recovery is what gets me through my day everyday.If it wasn’t for KW I wouldn’t be running or working out the way I am. They push me to the next level. Thank you so much for the help I can never thank you enough.

- Austin Stiles, KW SQUAD.

“I love that KW has created a space where it doesn’t feel like a doctor’s office, it feels more like a home lounge area where you can actually relax and be treated”

- MaryLu Pulido, Boston Marathon Qualifier